Living In An Abundant Universe

There is a saying,"When life gives you lemons-make lemonade."
Sometimes life doesn't give us lemons we pick our own! We get
stuck, struggle and we can't see the way out.
It's easy to live in fear and doubt these days. The only thing
you have to do to is turn on the news or read a newspaper.
I'm sure you've noticed people who do well in spite of what's going
on around them. So what do they know or do that you don't?
Living An Abundant Life
1. Your energy will attract people, events and circumstances
with the same energy. Do what it takes to stay positive.
Be kind. Look for the good in others and in the world.
Turn off the news and listen to upbeat or calming music.
Do what it takes to keep your energy high and mood positive.
You will attract other positive people, events and circumstances.
2. Catch yourself when you are thinking negative. Catch a higher
vision for yourself and then do what it takes to acheive it.
Make a plan and take action!
3. Expect miracles. Expect things to turn around.
Expect there will be people that will help you.
Stop waiting for the other foot to drop!
4. Trade doubt and fear for faith and love. Live in the present
moment. Take one day at a time. Be a loving person. This is a good
time to work on your character defects.
5. Improve your relationship with God. Spend more time in
prayer. Ask for guidance to do what's necessary to turn
things around. Then again take action!
6. Achieve your dreams by helping others achieve their dreams.
The quickest way to get what you want is to help others
get what they want. Help someone who has less than you.
It will change your perspective.
7. To get more-give more. If you need more money-tithe.
If you want a loving relationship-be more loving. If you need a
friend-be a friend. If the only thing you owned was a loaf of
bread the thing to do would be to share it with someone.
8. Write out your troubles in a journal. It's just one way to
release them. When you're not sitting around feeling sorry
for yourself you become more aware of your gifts and more
invested in using them.
9. You focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have.
Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop putting others up
and yourself down. We all have more than we need: more food,
more clothes, more electornic devices, etc. So stop whining!
10. Live in a state of gratitude. This is the fastest way to
happiness. Take appreciation walks when you feel like giving up.
On the walks think about what is going "right" in your life.
Learn to "feel" grateful.
I'm looking for 8-10 women who are interested in a 4 day Happiness Retreat
August 26-29th. We will meet at my cottage and spend time creating, learning, sharing, and laughing. Each person will leave with a personal "Happiness Plan." Go to if you are interested or email me at with questions. It's a life-altering event!
On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you on a day-to-day basis? Are there things you want to change about yourself and life that you continue to put off for another day or time?
If you want to make a change I can help you get from "where you are now" to "where you want to be" as your life coach. If you are interested in life coaching you can call me at 616-460-6729.
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