Monday, November 27, 2006

The Holidays and Relationships

What Would You Attempt - Unknown
Our family often presents us with the most challenges when it comes to relationships. If you have unresolved issues with your family-of-origin, friends or co-workers now is the time to resolve them. You may choose to not have any contact with certain people any more which is OK. What's not OK is if you lose your peace of mind over the thought of them.

Even when you think you have finished the relational work you need to do there will be times you get hooked in again. That's because on some level you may have forgiven someone but your subconcious mind will be holding on to something you may not even be aware of.

It's like an iceburg, what you have forgiven is what you can see above the water. Your subconciouss mind represents what is below the water. When you're feeling resentful issues (below the water)reappear as a reminder to keep forgiving.

One exercise I find helpful is before falling asleep at night I picture each friend or family member I need to forgive. I silently wish them peace and blessings.

If you have a family or company event to attend over the holidays and you know you will be in contact with someone you would rather not be with try this exercise for 10 days. I guarantee that when you get there the grievance will be gone and you will feel at peace.

Remember no one can take your peace from you unless you allow it. Don't give anyone this power over you. You have better things to do with your time and energy.

"Be the peace you want to see in the world." -Ghandi


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