Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Happiness is Having Fun and Helping Others As Well

My daughter Kristy finished her triathlon in October. The amazing thing of the entire event was to see how Kirsty could actually swim in a race for 9/10's of a mile through kelp in the Pacific Ocean. That alone would be enough to impress anyone but she's the physically challenged kid who has a stub for a right hand! Imagine swimming with and pulling with only one hand! I was simply amazed!

Then there was the transition to the special customized bike she had made for her stub. It was here she made up for time she lost in the swim.

Then it was off to the six mile run and finally to the finish line. Yeah!

Oh and did I mention she raised the $5000.00 as part of the "Team In Training"
for the Lukemia and Lymphoma Society! A big thanks to all of my friends and family who helped!

We had ssssooooo much fun! It's always a natural high to get caught up in the excitement and the hoopla of the athlete's.

We had fun eating and sightseeing. We went to Carmel by The Sea and Big Sur. We were'nt ready to come home. After the athletes left the city didn't seem the same.
She is already planning to do another triathlon in March in Florida. I think I'll meet her there!

Question:What are you doing for fun, adventure and exercise these days? Exercise doesn't have to be all work. Think on this and see if you can't get excited about walking, running, hiking, biking or sking. The sky is the limit!
Stay Happy-Tess


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