Expect A Miracle!

Where do you place your faith? Do you believe in a better world or have you lost all hope? Do you believe in yourself or have you given up on your dreams? Do you believe loving relationships are possible or do you struggle with giving and receiving?
My friend Sherry was diagnosed with cancer last fall. She has been such a trooper with the challenges cancer brings. She even went back to her teaching job full time in January.
Everything was going great until yesterday. Her most recent tests came back positive and now she will begin a new round of chemo...
How does one continue to go on in spite of devastating circumstances? On the cover of "Esquire" magazine a few months ago was a photo of a soilder, Bryon Anderson, that came back from war missing three limbs. I bought that magazine just for that photo. I store it in my gratitude journal and say a prayer for him often. How does a young man with so much life ahead of him cope with such loss?
I believe in miracles. I have learned to expect miracles to happen. How can you not?
Without my faith in miracles I wouldn't know what to do...
Today I found a prayer and if you need a miracle in your life (who doesn't) I suggest you print it off and repeat it regularly:
by Reverend Christopher Ian Chenoweth
"By the grace of God I am what I am, and God's grace toward me has not been in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:10
Speak this aloud, in prayer:
I believe in miracles because I believe in God. God, You are a wonder-working God.
Night and day, You are working behind the scenes to bring about the most wondrous
perfect result. I give thanks that I am a part of your plan of miracles. I pray for a miracle but more importantly, because of my belief in You that never waivers, I expect a miracle.
I give You my life for you to transform it and lengthen it with Your miracle-working power.
Dear God, I give You my body, from the top of my head, to the bottom of my feet, I pray that You will bring Your miracle working power to every cell and atom, every tissue and every fiber. I give You my heart, my lungs, my kidneys, my liver, my stomach, and all the organs of my body for You to perfect with the miracle working power of Your perfect regeneration.
I give You my skeletal system for You to strengthen and empower.
I give You my mind for You to transform every thought into a thought that is founded in doubtless faith and grounded in bottomless strength.
I give You my eyes so that you can transform them from seeing negative energy-zapping events to witnessing the wonder and majesty of all life.
I give You my emotions so that they will no longer be cynical or critical; down or lowly about myself and others. Uplift my emotions with Your miracle-working power.
I give You my energy so that You can add to it with miracle-working power so that I sizzle with energy, zeal and enthusiasm.
I give You all my relationships for You to transform with a miracle
of pure love. I pray that those relationships that are old and worn out are renewed and sustained with Your life-giving power of miracle love.
Dear God, I give You my career and I ask that You touch it and bring to it continuous miracles.
God, I give You my hopes and dreams, my goals and ambitions, I ask You to bring miracles asked for and dreamed for along with the serendipity of the unexpected miracles that will make my life surprising and sweet.
Dear God, I give You my hands. Use them, so that they can produce miracles in other's lives.
Dear God, I give You my feet. Use them to walk towards my miracles or to aid in producing miracles for others.
I expect a miracle and I accept a miracle!
Amen and Choose Happiness!
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