Reflect and Move Forward

Yes I know it's lengthy and I know this will take time but it could have a big impact on your whole year. Also on your entire future.
Dear Friends,
~*~ Topic of the Week - Year-End Ritual ~*~
I can't believe another year has passed. Time becomes more precious the older I get and it feels more important than ever to be living my life in a way that honors my soul. This week, in an effort to help you prepare for a New Year that honors your soul, I'd like to suggest that you take a look back -- look back over the year at how you've grown, what you've accomplished, and what you feel grateful for. Whether you do this ritual with others or by yourself with a journal, the year end is a great time to engage in those activities that prepare you for a fresh start (I'll address a new beginning next week).
Here's a four-step process (you may want to print this out):
1. First, gather together a few things to help you remember what occurred over the last year -- I call them "memory tools." You can use things
Old Journal
Palm Pilot (or PDA)
Year-End Calendar
A Friend to Reminisce With
2. Then, write down the following 8 categories:
Personal Growth
Health (Emotional, Physical, Spiritual)
Physical Environment
3. Next, using your memory tools as a guide, consider the following questions under each category:
~*~ Personal Growth
How have I grown as a person? Am I more patient, generous, focused, or financially responsible? Have I been able to set (and protect) my boundaries? What fears or challenges have I faced? Am I less tolerant of inappropriate behavior? Am I better able to see the opportunities (or
humor) in difficult situations?
~*~ Health (Emotional, Physical, Spiritual)
How have I taken better care of my body? Have I improved my eating habits, exercised consistently, or finally visited a doctor? What have I done to grow emotionally? Did I work with a therapist? Do I listen to my heart more? Am I better able to eliminate stress? What about my spiritual life? How do I stay connected to Grace, a Higher Power, or the magic of life?
~*~ Finances
How have I improved my financial health? Did I save more, spend less, or reduce my debt? What one step have I taken to better protect myself financially? Did I complete my will, visit with a financial planner, or increase my insurance coverage?
~*~ Relationships
How have I been a better partner, spouse, friend, or co-worker? How have my relationships improved? Have I released a grudge by forgiving myself or someone else? How have I shown my appreciation to others? Have I taken steps that allowed me to feel closer to certain loved ones? Did I set limits with draining people? Do I feel better about the people I surround myself with on a regular basis?
~*~ Work/Career
How has my work life improved? Did I set better boundaries around my personal time, ask for a raise, or find a new job better suited to my needs? Did I finally make a move to change something that had been bothering me at work?
~*~ Contribution/Giving
What have I done to help others improve the quality of their lives? Did I donate my time, energy, talent, or money? Did I give more to others than myself? Does my giving feel balanced?
~*~ Passion/Interests/Intellectual
Do I feel more connected to those things that make me feel passionate?
Have I identified any interests or activities that ignite my passion?
What positive steps have I taken to pursue these interests? What did I do to challenge myself intellectually?
~*~ Physical Environment
How has my environment improved? Have I cleaned up my home or office, challenged myself to throw things out, or added more beauty to my life?
Is my home a more soul-nurturing place to live? Is my office a more productive, efficient, and enjoyable place to work?
Once you've taken the time to consider some or all of these questions, do something to acknowledge your growth and progress. Share your answers with a supportive friend, buy yourself a symbolic gift, or treat yourself to something you've always wanted to do. When you acknowledge your growth, you build self-respect and self-trust -- two key ingredients that will support you in making healthier choices for you and your loved ones from this point on.
4. Gratitude
Finally, what are you grateful for? Who do you feel grateful for? Is there a new friend in your life? Was there someone who encouraged you to follow a dream? Are you enjoying good health, a nourishing marriage, or more space in your schedule? What new changes occurred over the last year that made you feel better about your life? Who or what were involved in those changes? What challenges were you faced with that, although painful at the time, made you stronger or allowed you to express more of who you really are?
When you take the time to give careful thought to how you lived your life last year, you'll find valuable wisdom and insights in your answers. And, as you acknowledge the changes that have occurred, you're bound to feel deeply grateful -- a wonderful way to bring in the New Year. May you enjoy a year end that blesses and honors the amazing man or woman you've become. And may you be ready to welcome in anything and everything that will allow you to fully honor your soul in 2007.
Happy New Year!
Tess Marshall
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