Friday, March 10, 2006

Look for Love Today

Being bombarded with bad news about the war, the economy and our seemingly lack of values by the media can leave one feeling hopeless and discouraged. Therefore I encourage everyone to keep their eyes open for signs of love in the world.

Every day people like you and me do and see loving things. It just never makes the news! So look for love in the world today. Notice when you see someone doing good. It can be as small as someone holding the door open for you or as big as someone helping a neighbor put a roof on their home.

We get what we look for so look for love. Look for love in a smile, look for love in the grocery store, look for love in crowded places and look for love in family faces.
It is there and it's about time we take notice and talk about it. It will help balance the negativity in the world! So look for love in the world today!


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