Monday, March 06, 2006

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!

Have you given anyone the power to upset you today? Who pushes your buttons? Who are you with when you want the last word? Are you brave enough to walk away from conflict? Do you rerun a conversation over and over in your head defending yourself?

If you allow others to control your emotions you also allow them to take your joy.
If you decide to be happy you are also joyous. My mother used to call me a "kill joy" when I wanted to rain on someone else's parade.

I bought a joy journal a couple of months ago. I fill it with joyful memories. My joy is priceless. I won't let anyone kill it or steal it.

Common ways allow to others steal our joy:
Bad moods
Withholding love
Lack of follow through.
Carless driving
The price of gas
Being Demanding

The next time you find yourself reacting to someone or something negative don't allow them to take your joy. Be strong. Stay happy. Life is to short for anything else.


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