Thursday, August 24, 2006

If You Had 3 Weeks To Live...

Flying By The Seat Of My Soul

"Each day is a new opportunity. Yesterday is gone
and today is the first day of your future!"

We often live like we have forever and put off things
we need to do for another day. If you have regrets or are
holding on to resentments let them go. Today is a good
day to begin again! Ask yourself if you had 3 weeks to
live what would you do differently today?

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I wouldn't take life so seriously. I would visit my adult children, their spouses and boyfriends. I would look in their eyes and tell them I loved them and I appreciate
who they are and everything they've done with their lives.I would tell them everything I never have but wished I did. I'd encourage them to lighten up and smile more. I would remind them that we are on earth only to learn how to love each other and don't ever forget that. I would ask them for forgiveness and to remember only the good times and me.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would take my
grandchildren to the beach and run free in the water
and play in the sand. We would eat desert first, tell
each other secrets, giggle and laugh. We would pick
flowers and wild raspberries along the rollerblade path. I would read them stories and scoop out their favorite ice cream. I would cover them with all the hugs and kisses they would allow. I would tell them how beautiful they are and to always put God and people first and money, things and appearances last.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would visit my
parents and thank them for giving me life. I would tell them good-bye and reminisce about the good times and happy times of the past. I would linger and look one more time at the arms that held me and feet that carried me. I would blow kisses on the way out the door.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would enjoy every moment and savor the sounds of the birds and the taste the sweetness of red ripe watermelon. I would turn off the TV and would spend more time outside in the evening watching fire flies dance and wait for the stars to come out. I would watch the moon glow and the sun rise.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would lighten my load, get rid of the junk in my attic, basement and garage. I would give away what I didn't need light candles, play soft music and dance.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would rent a house on the ocean. I would invite everyone of my friends to come and share in one last laugh fest. I would invite my favorite musician and the best caterer in town. We would wear long sleeveless dresses and nothing on our feet and let the good times roll. We would stay up and talk all night and write messages in a bottle for someone else to find someday so they could know just how good life is when you are surrounded by you love and people who love you.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would cancel
the newspaper and turn off the news. I would savor the
birds singing at dawn and cook breakfast outside. I
would eat waffles with syrup and strawberries
and whipped cream on my best china. I would
drink hazlenut coffee in a lawn chair and let the
grass tickle my feet.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would visit the farm I grew up on with my sisters. We would swim in the pond one more time, lay under the big oak tree look up at the sky and watch the clouds go by. We would do crafts, chase our shadows in the sun, race tractors and breathe in fresh air.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would look into my husband's eyes more and appreciate him until I burst. We would make more love, hold each other longer and I would always be the last one to let go of a hug or a kiss. We would look at old photographs and cry and laugh about difficult times when thought we wouldn't make it.

If I knew I had only 3 weeks to live I would golf when he wanted to and go to more sporting events and pretend to understand what’s going on even when I didn't. I would only care about watching him enjoy himself. I would put him first more often and myself last. For the entire 3 weeks I wouldn't let him out of my site. I would take every mean and cruel thing I ever said or did back.I would thank him for being the miracle he is.

If you knew you had only 3 weeks to live what would you do? I'd be interested in knowing that. Because whatever it is wewould do is what we need to be doing now. When will you begin? There is no better moment than the present!

If you decide what it is you would do email it to me and TessMarshall& and I will post it on my blog!
Stay Happy!
Tess Marshall

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Life Is Short, Are You Having Fun Yet?

How many times have you said: Someday I will....

Are there things you have always dreamed of doing but put off for sometime in the future. Are there destinations of travel you have dreamed about but have never taken the trip?

Have you told yourself, "When I have more time, money, or when the kids are older I will _____________ (fill in the blank)?

"If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved."
- Maurice Chavalier

I want you to write down all of the things you can think of that you absolutely must do before you die. If you want to buy your first convertible write it down. If you want to go to Paris write that down as well. Have you camped under the stars or attended an opera?

What new things would you like to experience?

How many times have you said:

I'm going to write a book.

I'm going to take a photography class.

I'm going to hike the Grand Canyon.

I'm going to take the kids to a major league ball game.

I'm going to take the kids to Disneyland.

I'm going to learn to rock climb.

I'm going to go to New York to see a Broadway show.

I'm going to spend more time with__________.

I'm going to save more money so I can_____________.

Why do you continue to fail to do something you really want to do? Any answer you can come up with is most likely just an excuse. It's probably fear rearing its ugly head.

So ask yourself, "If you weren't afraid what would you do? If you had no fear where would you go?" Learn to tell your fear that you're busy and you'll get back to it later!"

"Seize the day, put no trust in tomorrow." Horace

Is there a concert you want to see? If you haven't previously seen "The Beatles" in concert it's too late but you still have time to see Paul McCartney. If you haven't seen Lance Armstrong, in Tour de France it's too late but you can still take a trip through the vineyards in California.

Oprah Winfrey is a household name. Do you want to visit the Oprah Show but have never bothered to get a ticket? There is still time. Don't wait until she retires.

You can still start that new business, take a cruise ship to Alaska, buy new dancing shoes, or learn to play a musical instrument.

It's too late to see Tiger Woods play golf. If you've never seen Wayne Gretsky play hockey, you never will. If you've never seen Mohammad Ali "sting like a butterfly and float like a bee" it's no longer an option.

There is still time to see Sting in concert. You will always have the opportunity to volunteer for The Red Cross. You can fly to Scotland and play golf at St. Andrews.

If you've never seen Ray Charles sing you can only listen to a recording. You can't see Dale Earnhardt at a NASCAR race. You can't see Larry Bird play basketball during a Celtics game or Magic Johnson play for the Los Angeles Lakers. Never again can you see Payne Steward swing a golf club.

But you can watch Jimmy Buffet sing. What that man has done with one guitar and his voice is amazing. There is still time to see Dale Earnart (Junior) at the racetrack. It's not to late to see the Rolling Stones in concert. Take a camera to the Grand Tetons in Jackson Hole, Wyoming or head off to Africa on a safari of a lifetime.

"Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved." D.H. Lawrence

You think you're too busy. You have too much work to do. You have too much debt. The kids are too old or not old enough. These are excuses. Excuses are choices.

It's your choice. You only have one life to live. Decide not too waste it on worry and anxiety. The sky is the limit. Don't delay what you would love to do today. There is no dress rehearsal for life. You won't regret it. This is it!

12-step groups have a saying, "Nothing changes until something changes." The following ideas will help you get the ball rolling!"

After writing down 100 things you want to do, be and have make a goal to achieve two every month for the next year. Even if you accomplish one you are still further ahead.

Sign up for voice lessons or buy a plane ticket to your favorite vacation destination. When you can cross off twenty-four things on your list in one year you know you are in the groove and living life to the fullest.

As you continue with your list notice how some things will come to you without you ever trying. They will happen naturally. Once you begin to live life like it will never end more and more opportunities will come your way.

Eventually you will have to make a new list as you discover there are endless choices of adventure and fun waiting for you to breathe life into them. This is how to live with passion.

Make your life about experiencing it all. It's your turn! You have waited long enough! You have wasted too much time. Learn to have fun, live life to the fullest and don't ever stop!

I wrote previously about my daughter Kristy doing her first triathlon in Monterrey California for the Lymphoma and Luekemia Society. She has collected $5,000 worth of donations for her cause.

The more I thought about her doing such a courageous thing the more I knew I wanted to go see the event. So we booked a flight last week and are going to see our daughter swim-bike-run in a race that will bring hope to children with a terminal illness and their parents.

A couple of weekends ago immediately after rollerblading with my daughter Roshelle and grandchildren I talked them into renting a canoe. We tipped the canoe, the water was deeper and swifter than we realized. After 3 attempts we finally uprighted it and emptied the water.

At the end of the day Shelly said to me, "Mom you're a 52 year old trapped in a 30 year old body!" She was referring to my enery, enthusiasm and adventureous personality. I thought about that a minute, laughed and said,"I think you're right about that!"

So I will end with a final quote that sums up my plan for the 2nd half of my life.

"One of the final challenges for human beings is to get old with as
much verve and gumption as possible." Alison Judson Ryerson