Friday, March 03, 2006

Fearless Living: Let Your Soul Soar

It's more tempting than ever to fall into fear these days. In fact you need to be vigilant with your thoughts, recognizing when they are fearful and stop them immediately.
One step you can take is identify your current fears. List them one through ten. Then write down the worst thing that could happen if the fear came true.
Let's say you fear you may lose your job. The worst thing that could happen is things may be a little tight financially until you found another job.

You could reverse the fear and tell yourself, "If I lost my job I would be free to begin again in something completely new."

Other steps that help with fearless living:

When you are afraid stop, reflect, and get quiet with a journal. Breathe. Write down some solutions, answers and affirmations.

Pray and re-center yourself as needed.

Ask others for support. Make a list of people who are on your side. Put your list where you can see it regularly. Know these people wouldn't let you down if you really needed them.
Remember God is at work in the middle of your difficulties.

Continue to take positive action. Take care of yourself and nurture youself.


Blogger Kristi Tencarre said...

Tess, thank you for your words of wisdom. I appreciate you writing down these thoughts as well as the your 'tips on happiness.' I am currently having a revolution in my soul and moving toward my dream instead of keeping it a dream. I just posted to my blog this morning that life is about attitude and I think you've got one helluva good attitude toward life. Keep writing!

2:55 AM  

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