Friday, January 20, 2006

Happy Friday

I will leave Sunday the 22nd for Biloxi, Mississippi where I am volunteering until Jan. 31.
A group of volunteers and I will be deconstructing homes, tearing down drywall and tiles floors. The homes will then be bleached for mold before reconstruction begins.

We will work 8-12 hour days, eat 3 meals a day and sleep on cots that a church there provides.
I bought a pair of work boots and will get my tetnus shot this afternoon.. I am excited to be a part of the many volunteers that have so freely given.

I am looking forward to letting everyone know how it goes and plan on coming home with a deeper level of appreciation for everything I own and my friends, family and clients.

This weekend do something for someone who can't repay you. It can be as small as a smile or as big as a donation to a cause. It will come back to you tenfold!


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