Friday, March 28, 2008

7 Principles For An Extraordinary life.

blessing of nature
Originally uploaded by ichiro kishimi
Happy Sring!

Change is in the air!

Spring changes everything...are you ready to make changes as well?

I have been reading "Mastering the Seven Decisions by Andy Andrews.
(Yes someone named their son Andrew Andrews)!

Andy Andrews is a master storyteller and life traveler. He has sought out what separates an ordinary life from the extraordinary. During a difficult time in his past he read between two and three hundred biographies of happy, successful, influential people who changed the world.

Andy discovered 7 Principles that anyone can apply to live an extraordinary life.

The Seven Decisions

1. The Responsible Decision
I will take 100% responsibility for my life. No more blaming and complaining. I am where I am because I put myself here. My past doesn't determine my future.

2. The Guided Decision
I will seek wisdom through books, people and service. Be a continuous learner in life.

3. The Active Decision
I am a person of action. If you want to get where you are going take continuous action. Be willing to make mistakes. Learn from them and continue taking action.
Be brave. Be bold.

4. The Certain Decision
I am passionate about my vision for my future. I pay no attention to criticism, condemnation and complaining. I pursue my passion. I have a decided heart.

5. The Joyful Decision
I make a choice to be happy. My life circumstances do not have the power to make me unhappy. I choose unhappiness. I can choose again.

6. The Compassion Decision
I am willing to forgive. I set my heart, mind and spirit free.

7. The Persistent Decision
I will not give up. Faith has no limits. Tomorrow is only limited by my doubt. Persist without exception.

Andy tells the story of Jimmy Dean. Jimmy says, "being knocked down is part of life--getting up is also a part of life. I have no use for people who cannot bounce back from a temporary setback.

Jimmy speaks of his grandfather, W.J. Taylor, " My grandfather was the most successful and wealthy man I ever knew, and I doubt seriously that he ever made more than $10,000 in any given year. But he was the best farmer in Hale County, Texas. he knew that. He had the straightest fences, the cleanest end-rows. he had the neatest barn and the neatest house. he raised nine kids. He had a great relationship with the man upstairs and a wonderful inner peace. To me, this is success and wealth.

I love the "wonderful inner peace" idea. Think about when you give away your peace of mind? Do you give away your inner peace when you think about the price of gas, the President or presidential candidates, rude people, you boss or co-workers?

Andy Andrews book is refreshing. Andy promises your life will be full of miracles if you practice these principles. I believe him!

Order his book today at you will be happy you did. Take out your journal and write down answers to his questions. Continue to make 2008 the best year of your life.
Stay Happy!
Tess Marshall