Lighten Your Load With Gratitude!

During the process of moving into our new (much smaller) home we have let go of 1/3-1/2 of our belongings including furniture, clothing and books. I thought I was finished but yesterday while unpacking the last of the boxes I gave away even more. There just isn't any room for it.
Besides the physical the other thing we often carry on our backs is emotional baggage.
Some examples of emotional baggage:
The pain of the past. We often play the same senarios in our mind over and over again. For example, when somebody hurt me, when I failed, when I made a mistake, when I didn't get something I deserved, etc.
Anger. Anger and resentment are poisonous. They have a negative effect on our emotional, spiritual and physical makeup.
Worry. In every moment there is a place where events have already happened and a place where things are about to happen. Inbetween is the present moment. When you are living in the present worry is impossible.
Fear. Name your fears. Are they valid or irrational? If they are valid fears make a plan to get through them. For example instead of worrying about money either spend less or make more.
If you plan your future you don't have to fear it.
Unforgiveness. The inability to forgive is the biggest energy zapper of all. It will literally wear you down. Who do you need to forgive? What's holding you back?
Often times it is ourself we are the most hard on. What do you beat yourself up about? Stop! Let it go. Relax.
I found a message in an old notebook and it said, "Everyday count the ways God blesses you."
It sounds too simple. Our ego wants a bigger challenge. It is simple, it's not easy to be completely aware of your blessings everyday.
So go ahead and make a concious effort for the next two days. You will be richer and greater because you will realize, "I am blessed."
May your heart explode with gratitude!
Tess Marshall
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