Sunday, September 23, 2007

Love, Love, Love Arizona

Dreams really do come true! Moving from Michigan to Arizona has been in our plan for the last 20 years. We are in our new home, the sun is shining and all is well!
When we arrived there was a big rainbow in the sky as we pulled into our driveway! I took that as a "welcoming sign."
What do you dream about?
No dream is less important than anther. You may want a different job, a new relationship, money to invest or to become a new mom.
Whatever it is know that it was planted in your heart by God. You won't be happy until you act on it. Small steps, even baby steps are better than no steps at all!
I want to share with you a few tips on how you can make your dreams come true as well.
1) Never give up. We first planned to leave when our four daughters were out of high school. Then it was "when they're out of college." Then we became grandparents. But we never let go of the dream. So "keep on keeping on." You will know when the time is right.
2) Take action. We bought a home 4 years ago in Queen Creek. Our "leap of faith" plan was to find renters to occupy it until we were ready to move in. Our tenants turned out to be wonderful people. We then set the date for selling our MI. home and cottage. We began talking about the move to everyone who would listen.
3) Commit. We chose the moving date two years ago. The same week my husband, Roger, who owned his own accounting business received a post card from a broker offering to sell his business. Serendipity! Six months later the business sold! When you commit to your dreams magic happens.
4) Visualize. I visited the South West several times. I knew the culture, the weather, the people. I had a "red rock" from Sedona and put it on my windowsill. I had a poster from the Georgia O'Keefe museum framed. I visited Frank Lloyd Wrights home. I had visual reminders everywhere. I never let go of visualizing permanent sunshine.
5) Believe! Don't wait until everything falls into place! We knew we were moving September 9th. Our house sold prior to the move our cottage did not. Roger didn't have a job although he flew out twice for several interviews. We were leaving anyway. The night before we moved the phone rang, he had a job offer and accepted it. Again serendipity!
6) Help others with their dreams! The fastest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. I began a group for women who wanted to realize their dreams 12 years ago. We met every Sunday evening for 6 months. Everyone left the group with their plan in place. Today I teach clients how to get from where they are to where they want to be.
7) Be grateful! Thank God everyday for your dreams. Ask for guidance on how to fulfill them.
I learned years ago to be thankful and grateful in advance. It's a powerful way to be in life!
PS The sculpture you see is in Scottsdale, AZ.
PSS If you have a dream you would like to see materialize and need help from a coach give me a call at 616-460-6729. If you are interested in being part of a "Dreams Really Do Come True"
online group email me at

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Facing Fears...Challenged by a 10 Year Old!

"Face your fears, Nana!" -AJ Brockman

The most difficult people to leave behind in Michigan are my two grandchildren. We made sure we spent weeks with them this summer!

One of my goals was to get them into swimming lessons! I never had swimming lessons as a kid. We learned to swim on our own in the pond on the farm. When I was about 12 years old my siblings and I were at thepond with my dad. He challenged us to race to the other side of the pond. First one there would win five bucks.

I took off dog paddling and never looked back. I swam through the weeds and never gave a thought to the snapping turtle and water snakes that lurked below. I wanted that five dollars and I won that five dollars!

In the summer of 1969 I witnessed my sister's boyfriend drown and have pretty much stayed clear of water ever since. Of course my non-love of swimming and water impacted my daughter Shelly. Consequently my grandchildren AJ and Mackenzie, never finished formal swimming lessons.

They stayed with us for two weeks in July and took lessons at the pool at Orchard Hills. There were 5 people in their class--the other three kids were all five years old!

On the first day Mackenzie was frightened but "Ready!" I said your, "Hungry to learn aren't you?"She replied, "No nana, I'm not hungry...I'm starving!" Learn they did. It was pure joy and bliss to watch them transform into swimmers.

This past Sunday we were at a Labor Day Picnic at an outdoor pool with a huge water slide. I found the perfect lounge chair and settled in with a favorite book. A couple of hours later while eating snacks AJ asked why I wasn't swimming or enjoying the water slide. Ummmm...I dont' want to do it...I muttered. He came back with "Nana, face your fears!"

Busted! I knew the only way out was through. I went down the water slide 4 times and finished doing laps with Kenzie in the olympic size pool.

Moral of story: Face your fears. The only way out is through them. How about you? What fears do you need to face? What's stopping you? How would your life be different if you found a way through?
Let me know your challenge and commitment. I will post the results!

If you need help, a cheerleader or a coach check out the "life coaching" info on my website. If you or someone you know needs a speaker I also have a video clip on mywebsite at

Stay happy!

Tess Marshall

call 616-460-6729