Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Balance = A Warm Heart and a Genuine Presence

One of the quickest ways to misery is to constantly seek out new products, experiences, and events. When you do this nothing is ever enough. Satisfaction is foreign and appreciation is forgotten.

Our world is set on fast forward. It seems there are very
few people that aren't in a hurry. Constantly striving, competing and comparing result in exhaustion from never
ending to-do-lists.
One of the keys to happiness is to savor, enjoy and
appreciate what you have in your life. It's necessary
to stay present in the moment and pause between
life events.
How do you know if you have balance in your life?
I know my life is in balance...
When I feel happy in the present moment
When I have time to be kind
When I'm not rushing through yellow lights
When I can go on a vacation and leave my phone in the hotel room
When I exercise regularly and eat healthy
When I take time to relax because it's a beautiful day and life is short
When I feel patient and calm
When I don't have the need to get in someone else's business
When I take the time for important things
I encourage you to make your own list.
My daughter and son-in-law both work full time so we help them
out as much as we possibly can.
Last week we helped my granddaughter paint her bedroom orange.
We straightened out her shelves, organized and helped her "let go" of
toys, clothes and shoes she has outgrown.
Kenzie turned 13 in April. Her bedroom was transformed from a room of
a child into the room of a teen. My grandson who turned 10 wants us to help
him paint his room gray with an English "D" in honor of the Detroit Tigers.
We have 8 weeks before we move to Arizona.
I know my life is in balance because we said, "Yes."
This week catch yourself having thoughts of fear and anxiety.
Look within to see where you can make a change or two.
If life overwhelms you and you feel overworked and stressed
out give me a call. As a life coach I can help you change your
world. Cell 616-460-6729
Because happiness matters!
Tess Marshall