Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I Make Mountains out of Molehills

"Tess, this is a small thing in the Big Picture!" - Caty Carlin

Because I'm a passionate person about life when I'm happy I'm real happy and when I'm upset I'm really upset! Thank God I'm open to other peoples input, perspectives and wisdom.

I was ranting and raving about my lastest "inconvenience" in life when my friend Caty basically told me I was making a mountain out of a molehill. Of course she listened to me first. She allowed me to "get it all out!" Then came her wisdom and perspective. She always says just the right thing.

That's why I call friends when I'm upset. They help me process my issues. Think about your biggest worry today. It could be a number of things...maybe job insecurity, a unhealed relationship, your child might be in trouble or you might have "stuck your foot in your mouth."

It's OK to be upset about these things. It's normal to even worry. Everybody does.
What's not good is overreacting. What's not good is obsessing. What's not good is choosing not to reach out. What's not good is forgetting the big picture.

I remember the time when I first went into private practice and was worried about not having enough clients. My friend Marsha (also in private practice at the time) shared with me that when she finds herself worrying about not enough work she reminds herself that her basic needs are met. She reminds herself of her strengths, of her relationships, and everything else that is good in her life.

After phoning Caty this morning that's exactly what I did. I reminded myself about what was good in my life. I wrote in my gratitude journal. I called the prayer line and asked for prayers for myself and the other person involved. And I remembered the big picture.

What is your problem today? Where does it fit in the big picture? You get to decide. Don't let fear block your big picture. That's what it's all about. Fear. Fear. Fear.

There are 3 major fears we all have: I am not enough. I don't do enough. I don't have enough.

What fear doesn't fit under one of these?

When fear comes up, when you are tempted to make a mountain out of a molehill remind yourself: I am enough. I do enough. I have enough.

On the other hand if your problem is significant such as a job loss, a death in the family or a serious illness then take action. Reach out. Call a friend.

Life is too short to go it alone. I care. People care. Allow someone to help you gain a new perspective or comfort you in your pain. That's what we are here make life easier for each other!

Oh and by the way if you want to check out my friend Caty you can find her at and