Friday, July 21, 2006

My Other Website

I just wanted to tell you about my other website. If you know somebody who is struggling with a porn/sex addiction, send them to

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We Get Along With A Little Help From Our Friends

Everyone needs a little help at times and at other times we may need major help. Imagine if you had a small child with a terminal illness? It would consume you. You would trade places with your child if you could. You would climb the highest mountain and swim the widest sea to save your child.

My daughter Kristy is currently helping a 4 year old child Gracie. She is participating in a triathlon, being sponsered by the Lukemia and Lymphoma Society.
The money she raises will go towards blood research. Kristy is soooooo excited about doing this. Kristy was born with a very deformed right hand. She can't use it to pick up or hold anything.

She has always been a runner and has participated in marathons. For this event she is taking swimming lessons and bought a custom made bike to fit her stub. Imagine swimming in the water with hundreds of others in a race. Imagine not only riding a bike but racing against participants with two hands.

Kristy lives in Atlanta. I haven't seen her new bike and I haven't seen her new swimming skills. It doesn't matter. What I can see is her success, her compassion and her pride. I see her making a difference in a world that seems cold and uncaring. I see her helping parents that live day to day in fear of losing their child.

You can help too. If you find it in your heart to donate please go to You will find a picture and story about Gracie and the event.

Remember we get a long with a little help from our friends!

Stay happy! Tess

Friday, July 07, 2006

What would it take for you to be happy?

Do you want to lose 10 lbs? Get a new job? Want to buy a new car or vacation home? These are external changes. They offer temporary happiness or a shot of bliss that will eventually fade. These external things won't work for long-term happiness.

Long term happiness comes from within. Your everyday attitude or mind-set
of appreciation, gratitude and contentment is what counts in the long run.

Each day we can find small miracles to celebrate or we can be focused on what others have that we don't have. Which one do you thing will determine your happiness in life.

If you want to be happier ask yourself, "What are my needs and values?"
Do I need a Saturday afternoon nap? Do I want to move to a warmer climate when I retire? Do I want to spend at least one evening a week with girlfiends? Is it important for me to volunteer?

You decide what's important to you. You decide weather or not to take action on these things. You have the power to make yourself happy.

Don't compromise your needs for others. If you have been in a book club for 5 years and want to move on-do it. If you don't feel like cleaning your house. Hire someone to do it. You're in charge of your day and the choices you make.

If you don't take charge of your life you will feel cheated and unfairly treated. When you can give yourself permission to take charge you will have a positive attitude with invigorated energy.

You can learn to embrace life and the things that happen to you. Life is difficult and we all suffer tragedy. People who are close to us get sick, injured and die. It's a part of life. In good times and bad ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?"

A study was done at the University of Massachusetts that found accident victims who had become suddenly paralyzed were more hopeful about the future than lottery winners! Can you believe that! Do you think the people in involved in the accidents took time to rethink their lives and what gives life meaning?

Take time this summer to do fun things. Think about what makes you happy, what you can't do without and what you won't compromise. Remember you're in charge of your happiness. Everyone else is responsible for their own.