Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Family Matters!

What are your values? What is important to you? It is easy to say that family matters but how much time and energy do you put into your family relationships?

My granddaughter turned twelve April 16. She is too old for day care and too young to be left alone all day while her parents are at work this summer. My daughter called and asked me if she could spend some time with me. We live two hours away so time means day and night.

My first thoughts werer about how much work I have to do. My second reaction was she can come for three weeks! I've signed her up for morning golf lessons one week. Another week she'll be attending basketball camp during the day. The third week she'll have my undivided attention.

Family is important to me. My granddaughter is one of my favorite people in the world. I love everything about her. I'm willing to give her my time and energy. Work will always be here.

Summer time means fun. We will go rollerblading, biking and to the beach. We'll visit her great grandparents and walk to the library. We'll draw and paint and have a garage sale. We'll make memories that will last a life time. And to think I almost said, "no I have too much work to do."

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

There is a famous runner called "Penguin" that has a regular column in Runners World Magazine. He is a runner that always finishes at the back of the pack. He claims he waddles.

The point is he runs road races knowing he will never win. He runs because he loves the sport.

I love the quote he is famous for, " The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."

Where in your life can you apply that quote? As for myself I'm participating in the Fifth Third River Bank Run. It's a 25K or 15 and 1/2 miles.

My daughter is flying in from Atlanta to run it with me. Our plan? Fun!
Because I'm not a treadmill kind of person I've been running outside in our lovely Michigan winter weather since January. I've ran in blizzards, freezing rain, and on the dark and dreary days.

I've ran when I didn't feel like it. I ran when I was sick and tired of running.

Inbetween the difficult days I also ran when the sun was shining. I ran when others were sleeping and outdoors it was calm and beautiful. I ran to feel good, to feel fit and to feel proud running these miles at age fifty-two.

I've been a runner since I quit smoking in my twenties. I love running. (Just not traing for long runs!)

The big day is coming up in two weeks. I am excited because I'm on the home stretch.
I can't wait until race day.

Now all the hard work pays off. Like the penguin the miracle won't be that I crossed the finish line. The miracle will be that I had the courage to begin this past January~